6 May 2017
10 am
Arrival of the participants, inauguration and blessing of the west wing of the complex, renovated with the contribution of the Cariplo Foundation.
11 am
Erasmo Dallavalle – President of the Don Niso Dallavalle Foundation
Preliminary presentation of ‘O.A.S.I’: from the idea to the project. Screening of two short introductory films.
Giacomo Castiglioni – President of the Comasca Province Community Foundation
‘How the project “Non uno di meno” (Not one less) was born in Como’.
Michela Prest – Professor of Physics at the University of Insubria
‘School dropout: parameters of evaluation and monitoring of the phenomenon – Open schools’
Bernardino Casadei – Writer and Volunteer of the Comasca Community Foundation
‘The Youth-Bank and the stimulus for youth entrepreneurship’
12.30 pm
2 pm
Renata Crotti – Vice-president of the Community Foundation of the Province of Pavia
‘The student situation of Pavia’
Gianluca Gualdi – Developmental psychology – University of Pavia
‘The philosophy of the University of Pavia’
Pierpaolo Triani – Faculty of Education Sciences Catholic University of Piacenza
‘Systemic action against school dropout’
3 pm
Round table between representatives of the scholastic world, of voluntary associations, and social cooperatives. Discussion on the topic: ‘Torrazzetta, in consideration of its history, its tradition in the world of culture, its relationships, and its particular location at the outskirts of the Po valley, must present itself as a reference centre for education and assistance in combating school dropout. Where do we start from?’
ENAIP and CARITAS executives will participate.
Presided by Donatella Vignola – President of the ‘Amici del Gioia’ Associations – Piacenza
Moderator: Giorgio Braghieri, President Opera Pia Alberoni Piacenza
Participation is free of charge. Reservation is appreciated.
Organizational Secretary: Giuliano Balestrero
For info and reservations: 329.1523034