Quod tu in docendo potes

23-24-25 March
Lessons in methodology for teaching classical languages with Luigi Miraglia
Educational initiative of the Latin Europe Association in collaboration with the UCIIM section of Milan and with the Vivarium Novum Academy of Prof. Luigi Miraglia, for teachers, graduates, undergraduates who aspire to teaching, lovers of classical languages.
The initiative allows the exemption from the service and the use of the ‘Carta del docente’;
release certificate.
From 15 February to 15 March 2018
Program, methods, and fees: for teachers in service the course has been registered on the S.O.F.I.A website; course costs: 100 euros; 70 for the members of UCIIM and Latin Europe.
The stay fees will be paid directly to the facility.
For everyone: program and instructions on www://uciimlombardia.com
For overnight stay at Villa-Castello di Torrazzetta: Dr Balestrero 329-1523034