21 September 2018 – Sixteenth-century Dinner
After the great experience of the Pordenonian dinner in May, Villa-castello di Torrazzetta organizes with Banca di Piacenza a sixteenth-century dinner on Friday 21st September, from 7 pm, to relive the unique emotions of the Renaissance. The menu, carefully studied and created by the “Accademia della Cucina Piacentina”, retraces some of the best products and recipes of the area (and not only) and will be followed by a concert, with vintage music, under the guidance of Maddalena Scagnelli. The funds raised during the evening will be used to support educational projects to combat the early school leaving of the Don Niso Dallavalle Foundation.
Information and reservations: fondazionedonniso@gmail.com; tel. +39 392 4793311 – +39 329 1523034